Monday, June 28, 2010

Earthquakes, 12 kilos, the valley of death, and the camino

So I´m not sure if every pilgrim does this, or if it´s just Sarah and I, but we´ve been talking about "If we owned an albergue" We´ve said that our albergue (the places where pilgrims stay) would have toilet paper, and toilet seats, it wouldn´t have bunk beds that were pushed together, like at some places, and a bunch of other things. But my big thing is that the bunk beds would be attached to the wall. I say this for 2 reasons. 1. when the bunk isn´t anchored, you can feel whenever the other person in the bunk moves. One night I felt like I was in an earthquake, the girl on the top bunk moved to much. The other reason I want the beds anchored is because I was climbing down from a top bunk one day and almost tipped the bunk over, not fun.

I weighed myself on the morning I left for Paris. I weighed myself just a few days in Burgos. The result was a loss of 12 kilos! That´s like 26 lbs! It´s crazy. I don´t know if the scale was off, but it told Sarah she hadn´t lost anything, so it might be right. If this keeps up, I´m looking at a 36 kilo loss, I could deal with that.

We´ve gotten onto the Meseta, the flat middle section of Spain. On the day we went from Burgos to Hontanas, we walked through the high meseta. There were no trees, just some kind of grain. It was so hot. We renamed that section of the camino "the valley of death" I ran out of water that day, 3/4 of a km outside of town, so I made it. We later found out that 3 pilgrims have died this month on the meseta from heat/dehydration/exhaustion. That´s scary.

Today I am resting because my feet are yelling at me. I will be taking a bus from Carrion to Terradillos del Templario. I need to listen to my body, and my body is telling me, don´t you dare walk 26km today or we will strike.

Speaking of Carrion. In the church here is the tackiest thing I´ve ever seen. It is a minitaure animatronic Bethlehem. Complete with a light that comes on to illuminate the birth of baby Jesus, and Angels that fly across the back wall. I will post pictures later, if I can figure out how. It was cute, and would have stayed cute had it not been IN the church. It looked like something you´d see on the "Birth of Jesus" ride and Disney World.

Well I guess that´s all for now, my internet time is almost up. I´ll try to write more often from now on.

Adios and Buen Camino


  1. lol that sounds dispicable. :P i guess everyone has their "thing" huh?

    i am so happy for your weight loss! i hope that you can keep it up and remember how its happening when you get home, so you can continue this journey to wonderful health! :) it really puts into perspective what we eat here in america... and yes, i know you are eating bread cheese and wine :P
    but there sure isnt anything wrong with wheat bread, cheese and grape juice! LOL.
    anyway, if you need any encouragement when you are home, let me know. :)

    im glad too, that you made it through that hot hot day... that IS scary! :( its too bad they dont think of making a "watering hole" half way through that walk to better protect people..

    whoo whoo! ! :)

    36 kilos!! thats like 80 lbs!!! :) :) thats a backstreet boy! :P

  2. Just checking in so you know that I am peeking here and there, and am so excited for you that you are doing something so amazing! Weight loss along the way sure doesn't hurt, either! Keep it up, have fun, and what an experience!
