Friday, February 19, 2010

A journey of a thousand (or 500) miles begins with a single step.

Well our first step has officially been taken. We have just received confirmation that we will be staying at Espirit du Chemin in St Jean Pied du Port, on June 9th. It's really happening people!

If you're interested in see where we're staying, check it out. I'm getting really excited for this trip!

If you're reading this, and would like to get a postcard from the camino, let me (or Sarah) know by e-mail along with your mailing address, (just so we know we have everything we need). I'm going to send SO many postcards! I love postcards!

Well have a great day!
Buen Camino!

1 comment:

  1. i would LOOOOVE a postcard. though knowing postcards, it might not get here until after you are back :P
